A philosopher who defies conventions (American Philosophical Association)

Stephanie Lehuger is a philosopher who defies conventions by bridging philosophy with diverse fields. With degrees in philosophy, computer science, public policy, and business, she explores the ethical, social and existential impact of new technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, and fosters dialogue on life’s meaning, responsibility, and identity. Visit Stephanie’s website to discover her philosophical podcast, articles, conferences, and interviews.


What are you working on right now?

I’ve just finished [read more here]


What’s your personal philosophy?

Doctrines tend to forget [read more here]


Which books have changed your life? In what ways?

Marcel Proust’s [read more here]


Who do you think is the most overrated / underrated philosopher?


Where would you go in a time machine?

In the late nineteenth century, my great-grandparents [read more here]